tslgreen-buildingsOne of the main tenets of the movement towards creating a better environment is sustainability. As a society, we rely mainly on non-renewable resources like fossil fuels, earth mineral and metal ores for power. Extracting and using resources like these causes significant greenhouse gas pollution, which happens to be the biggest contributor to global warming.

Reducing your impact on the environment requires some significant changes in your home and personal life, but you can also change habits at the workplace to facilitate change.

Here are a few things you can do at work to cut your carbon footprint and contribute to a better environment:

– Replace normal incandescent light bulbs with more energy efficient CFL (compact fluorescent lamp) bulbs instead

– Make double-sided copies to reduce paper waste and printer use.

– Actively recycle all batteries and ink cartridges once they are depleted.

– Regulate thermostat use: keep heat set between 68-72 degrees during cold months, and turn heat down lower before leaving the room.

– Implement a recycling/compost program.

– Bring a personal reusable water bottle to fill up at the cooler, rather then going through countless plastic cups.

– Look for an Energy Star certification for any new appliances you might have to buy, like microwaves or refrigerators.

– Keep desks and furniture from blocking radiators.

– Utilize a power strip for all of your office electronics so you can switch it off for the weekend or days you wont be at your desk.



