While spring cleaning is a time-honored tradition, the transition from autumn to winter is also a good time to organize the house both inside and outside. Although the climate here doesn’t require as much Winter clean-up and preparation as places with snow and freezing temperatures, all homeowners can benefit from completing some seasonal chores. That way, everyone will feel cozy and relaxed when the winter nesting instinct hits.

Rotate Food and Seasonal Clothing

Many people store extra food in their pantries and then forget to use it or it becomes hidden by newer stock. The calendar turning to the winter season is a great time to go through the food pantry and toss anything remaining there past its expiration date. It’s also an opportunity to donate non-perishable and non-expired food to a local food shelf. Everyone wins in that situation. The homeowner gets a clean pantry and people who might otherwise miss a meal will get the nourishment they need.

The change in seasons here means wearing slightly warmer clothing, so going through drawers and closets is also a good idea. A good rule of thumb is to remove and store clothing that no one will wear for at least the next few months to make room for more seasonally appropriate items.

Give the Yard a Once-Over

The normal activities of autumn can make even the nicest yard look unkempt. However, most people are extremely busy once the holiday season hits. There’s still a few weeks for homeowners to complete yard clean-up so they can focus their time and energy on the holidays ahead. Some ideas for seasonal chores include:

  • Clean the rain gutters. Leaves, branches, and other debris that falls into gutters can attract insects, moisture, and mold if left sitting for too long. Removing the debris at least once a year ensures that rain water can flow uninterrupted through the gutter.
  • Clean up flower beds. Weeds, leaves, and twigs that fall into a garden can attract pests that could end up killing some of the plants. Cleaning flower beds annually is a good idea. Roses need special attention because the foliage they produce invites disease in cooler weather more than other types of plants.
  • Aerate and fertilize the lawn. Aeration breaks up deep layers of soil so grass can receive proper nutrients through water, fertilizer, and direct sunlight. Homeowners with larger yards can rent a walk-behind aerator for this job. It’s also a good time to fertilize the lawn with a professional-grade fertilizer containing a large amount of phosphorus.

Clean the Windows and Floors

Streaked windows are not only unattractive, they can prevent sunlight from reaching the home. Vinegar mixed with water tends to work better than commercial cleaners at getting windows sparkling clean.

Since people tend to spend more time indoors in the winter, carpets and hardwood floors get dirty faster. Steam clean the carpet or manually scrub tiled floors. This ensures that both are prepared for the increase in foot traffic in the months ahead.

To dispose of household junk, yard clippings, unwanted furniture, or anything else you need to address in a Winter clean-up, call Fast Haul today or schedule a free estimate online.